- Cafe Chocolade Recipes
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- Kentucky style Fried Chicken Batter - GF, EF, SF, NF, OF - can be made plant based, vegan just not SF
Kentucky style Fried Chicken Batter - GF, EF, SF, NF, OF - can be made plant based, vegan just not SF
Kentucky style Fried Chicken Batter
Can be made with tofu for a plant based, vegan option
4 pounds bone-in skin-on chicken parts, can use firm tofu for a plant based, vegan option
12 oz buttermilk
1 c plain yogurt (or you can use 1 additional cup buttermilk in place of the yogurt)
Dairy free if needed
Mix, let sit in zip lock bag over night, remove from bag shake off extra marinade
280 g Café Chocolade basic roux mix
1 t freshly ground black pepper
1 ½ t salt
1 ½ t smoked Spanish paprika
½ t dried oregano
½ t dried thyme
½ t dried parsley
¼ t ground cumin
¼ t ground cinnamon
½ t onion powder
¼ t garlic powder
¼ t chili powder
35 g sugar
Mix, put dry ingredients in zip lock bag, two pieces of chicken at a time, shake till well coated, repeat with rest of chicken, place on sheet try and let sit at room temperature till starts to form a paste on the chicken, around 20-30 minutes.
If using firm tofu, treat it the same, just the frying time is till the crust turns a nice brown.
No need for eternal temperature, a golden brown crust is fine.
Still fry at 350F
Neutral oil of choice for frying
About 3 inches of oil heated to 350 F.
Fry all the pieces for 7 minutes on each side, use tongs or/and a slitted metal spoon, make sure the chicken does not stick to the bottom, then reduce the oil to 325 F. and finish cooking the chicken till the eternal temperature is 165 F. use a temperature device to test the inside of the chicken away from the bone.
Let drip dry and cool a bit and serve.